First gay pride parade chicago

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Lawns will be decorated with pride decorations, music and rainbow treats, according to organizers. In suburban Buffalo Grove, celebrations continue with a pride drive for the second year starting at noon on June 6. The teams playing are members of the National Gay Flag Football League, according to organizers. The annual flag football tournament will be held along the lakefront on June 25 and 26 from the Chicago Metropolitan Sports Association. in the iconic Walnut Room, featuring performances from by Ru Paul’s Drag Race season 2 contestant Kylie Sonique Love, 2021 Drag Queen of the Year Pageant winner Tenderoni and Minneapolis-based drag queen Sasha Cassadine.Īs of the start of June, the event is entirely sold out, but tickets to the Totally 90's Drag Brunch on July 24 are still available. Macy's will host their first ever drag brunch on June 12 from 11 a.m. Navy Pier will host a day-long pride celebration June 26, featuring music performances, dance, storytelling and activities into the evening.īoth Radio Gaga and Chicago Gay Men's Chorus will take to the stage at this event, organizers announced. How and When to Watch Fourth of July Fireworks at Navy Pier Navy Pier Pride

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